
Creative Solutions | Let's Get Personal

As December quickly approaches, I think it’s time to get a little personal here on the blog. To not only share some life experiences, but also to allow you to trust me as your social media confidant in the future. So let’s dive in!

As a business owner, as many of you reading this are, you come across obstacles that tend to make you feel like you can’t move forward with your business plans. Trust me, I get it.

I’m not sure if you know my story, but 3 years ago I decided that wedding planning was my calling, after leaving an internship in the social media industry. For 3 years I made it my mission to become the co-owner of a fabulous company called The 530 Bride, which was started by my dear friends, Veronica. Having the opportunity to lead weddings, to have a say in a business at 23 years old, felt surreal. I always asked her to pinch me because it felt like a dream!

Unfortunately, a few months ago, it dawned on me that wedding planning didn’t make me as happy as it used to, and as an entrepreneur, that's not ok! This year, I felt a lot of personal pain when planning certain weddings. I felt walked on, I felt disrespected, and I finally had to move forward. That’s when I started to grow The 530 & CO. Social media gives me an outlet where I can spread the joy of a product or a service, without being brought down consistently, and that is solid gold.

I don’t like quitting. So in the future, I will take a few weddings at a time because I do love spreading joy in this manner too… But it’s time for me to take the reigns and grow our company!

We are offering amazing discounts on Squarespace website designs until the end of December, so take advantage of our incredible pricing and let’s get you ahead of the game in 2019! Let’s grow together.

Don’t forget to check out our services page to see how we can help you grow!

The 530 and Co.

Delphine Jespersen