
Copy Writing Company | 7 Tips For Working From Home

Working from home can be the best part of your job but the last thing we all want is for our work to consume our personal lives.  Here are 7 tips & tricks used by entrepreneurs and freelancers all over the globe that help them manage their tasks so they can truly enjoy the dream of working from home!

Have a designated workspace

This might be our favorite part of working from home.  Who doesn’t love creating a cute little space that is entirely their own!  Having a designated spot to stash your folders and computer not only make it easier to stay on top of your to-do -list but makes working fun.  We like to say simple is best, minimize those distractions!

Have a schedule for checking email

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Emails are a time-consuming soul suck.  You might open your inbox with good intentions of responding to your co-worker's email, but instead you click on that Lululemon promo ad and suddenly it’s been two hours and you're deep into leggings and have over $1000 of merch in your shopping cart.  Avoid the temptations and try to stick to checking your email every 45 minutes or after the completion of a task! We promise you will be done with your work so much quicker (& you can reward yourself with those leggings … :))

Set office hours

The last thing you want is for work to take over your life.  Isn't that the point of working from home?  You get to pick your own hours that work best with your schedule.  Pick a time period in your day that you designate to sitting down and really working, this will help keep you from checking your work folders at 11 p.m.  when all you really want to be doing is watching t.v.

Minimize home distractions

Going along with setting your office hours, you're not going to plan to sit down to work right after the kids have just been dropped off from school, right?  No, unless the distant sound of screaming and mayhem from your cute little desk helps you focus.  We are big believers in working in the morning, getting your sh*t done so you can spend the rest of your day doing more important things like brushing the cat for hairballs.  In all seriousness, your work deserves your utmost attention so that every day can be productive and fulfilling. And remember… no Instagram until you’re finished!

Mix it up!

Social isolation while working from home is a very real thing. I mean how could it not? You’re clacking away on your keyboard alone all day… luckily that can be very easily avoided.  You can and should get your work done in a different setting every now and then to keep you sane.  Head to a coffee shop and meet up with other friends or just chat with the barista if none of your friends have cool jobs that let them work from home.  We’re not saying you need to go buy a coffee every day (because who has $6 every day for coffee?  Not us!) but we are saying you need social interactions that will spark fresh ideas to create your best work!

Keep a planner

We cannot stress this enough!  Write down everything you need to do because even when you think you might remember, you will not, and you might not have anyone to remind you!  Plus, it is always beneficial to look back in your notes if you find yourself wondering when you completed that project a few months ago.  While electronic reminders are always nice, we like the feel of a good ol’ paperback planner.  With pretty pens and a cute cover, it makes crossing off your to-do-list that much more satisfying.

Take breaks!

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The most important thing for us is taking breaks.  While some people work best just powering through their work, it is shown that our brain functions at a higher level when it has been given a moment to breathe.  We like to say every 20 minutes or so just take a quick little 5-minute stretch and it will make all the difference in your attitude and attention span.

We hope these seven simple tricks can make working at home that much more rewarding! 

Delphine Jespersen